Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I didn't know I had one........

As we enter the 10th year post 9/11, we should all know by now that when you go to the airport, security will be all up in your space bubble. It’s a given. A group of people have ruined it for everyone causing security at the airport to never be the same. The minute it becomes lax again, another terrorist attack will inevitably happen. Therefore  going to the airport with any sort of weapon on you will land your dumb butt in jail; rightfully so for two specific reasons. One, for being stupid enough to do it in the first place. And two, for thinking you could get away with it in the see through security scanners!
Flier headed to Cuba held after gun found
. Miami, Florida

A man headed to Cuba has been arrested at Miami International Airport after security screeners said they found a loaded gun in his fanny pack. Miami-Dade Police arrested 48-year-old Juan Manuel Baldoquin of West Palm Beach on charges of carrying a concealed weapon and grand theft of a firearm. He was being held on $10,000 bail.

Detective Javier Baez said a Transportation Security Administration screener spotted the outline of a gun while X-raying Baldoquin’s bag.

Baez said Baldoquin claimed he had forgotten the gun was in the bag. The gun had been reported stolen in 1996, and it was unclear why Baldoquin was carrying it.

Now, we don’t know about you, but this guy should get “STUPID” tattooed on his forehead for thinking that nothing would happen to him while carrying a gun through airport security. And for wearing a fanny pack; what is this, 1987? Who carries fanny packs now-a-days? Let’s be realistic here, he knew all along he had a loaded gun in his fanny pack. Guns aren’t feathers people.

Until next time,
Zozo and Leggy J

The Denver Post (12/18/2010)

“Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.” - Ana Teresa

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