Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kindergarten For Adults

The past month or so we have discovered that a lot of the observations we make and the people we write about continue to do the same thing every single day; like walking four across on a sidewalk so people can’t get by or people not reading very obvious and specific signs. Therefore, we have decided to write only when we have observed new material.

This past weekend we observed a multitude of people who had lacked the simplest form of common sense; to the point of one adult talking to multiple adults with a kindergarten demeanor. A little background information on the past weekend includes that Zozo and I ran in a marathon relay this weekend and within the course were five exchange zones. The rules state that when you are ready to exchange to the next runner, it must be within the gated zone not forty yards in front of it or ten yards behind it. A simple rule to follow right!?! Well apparently that was a little bit too difficult for many to follow; especially after race volunteers told them at least ten times while I was standing there waiting for Zozo to tag me. People just continued to exchange forty yards in front of the zoned area. That was just the beginning! While all of that was going on, race volunteers had to tell people to move back so that runners could get through and not get interrupted by someone crowding the zone area and that the exchanges could occur hassle free. Not only did the race volunteers announce this multiple times but one with a microphone literally said, “If you cannot listen to simple instructions people, I will talk to you as if you were a bunch of kindergartners.” Yet, everyone continued to move forward; narrowing the exchange zone. Lastly, as more runners started to come in to tag their teammates, people were asked to stay on the curb so not only could people exchange without a hassle but so people could see if their teammate was coming. Yet, of course the majority of people did not listen and I could see the frustration in the volunteers eyes. I just stood their in complete frustration that so many adults could not follow easy instructions. It's time to go back to kindergarten to learn simple listening skills. These are the very people that have kids and their kids will grow up to be just as bad. Be afraid be very afraid!

Until next time,
Zozo and Leggy J

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