Monday, February 28, 2011


Living in the great state of Colorado, many of us have the opportunity to regularly enjoy outdoor winter activities, such as skiing, snowboarding, etc. Which of course means this weeks story comes from a man in Wyoming.

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo., Feb. 21 (UPI) -- Officials with a Wyoming ski resort said no charges will be filed against a 78-year-old man arrested while trying to ski uphill.

Jackson Hole Mountain Resort officials said Ronald Fleck was arrested Feb. 5 after ski patrol members spent 3 1/2 hours attempting to convince the man to turn around while he was trying to ski uphill to watch his granddaughter's ski race, the Jackson Hole Daily reported Monday.

Fleck was arrested on suspicion of trespass, interference, unsafe skiing and theft of services. However, Jerry Blann, president of the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, said no charges will be pressed.

"Once he was removed, the safety issue, which was our primary concern, was removed," Blann said Friday.

Teton County Sheriff Jim Whalen said his department is dropping the matter.

"Pretty much from the beginning of this thing, we didn't see any reason to move forward with the criminal prosecution," he said. "We're fine with it."

Skiing uphill, that's a new one. Wouldn't gravity be your first clue that you should be going downhill. And if not downhill, then simply across. But up? I would wear myself out trying to get up a hill on skis, not to mention I would have given up after an hour, max. But three and a half attempted hours of uphill skiing? He must have a lot of time on his hands. Wouldn’t it have been easier to just take the ski lift up? I'll try to give this guy a break and chalk this one up to senility, seeing as he is 78.

Until next time,
Zozo and Leggy J

'The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.' --Harlan Ellison

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You Can't Have Chips Without The Salsa!

I have never worked in the restaurant industry but I imagine it to be very similar to retail; having to deal with people and pretty much catering to the patrons every need. It also proves that the lack of common sense lingers pretty much in every job category known to man. The simplest of things seem to difficult for some.

I went to dinner with a friend of mine and we had ordered one of my favorite things to eat, chips and salsa. After we had both ate our dinner we couldn’t stomach another chip so I decided to take the yummy delicious left over chips and salsa home. When the waitress came by to take our plates out of the way, I asked if we could get a box for the left over chips and salsa while even using a circling hand motion above the scrumptious delicacy; concluding that I wanted all of it. Hence the general question of, “Can I get a box for the leftovers.” The waitress comes back with just a bag for the chips and proceeds to ask if I wanted a container for the salsa as well. Really?!?! Who wants to take home plain old tortilla chips without the salsa for one and two isn’t the salsa part of the leftovers that I so conveniently implied by making hand motions above the entire basket? Either this place is really stingy about giving their salsa away or the waitress is just a plain moron. I presume it’s the second statement.

Until next time,
Zozo and Leggy J

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It Takes "All Types"

This weeks blog is brought to you by a follower of Common Sense Ain’t So Common. Not only has this follower experienced it but I have as well.

Most, if not all Post Offices have their own outdoor mailboxes and usually there are a row of them. Each one has a specific label on them pertaining to specific types of letters and usually one for “all types“; you know in case one gets too full. Well as this person is driving through to drop off some mail, a car in front of her goes to the mail box that is spewing out mail like it was a baby spitting up its’ food. The individual proceeds to try and stuff their own mail among the paper vomit instead of the open box right next to it that is labeled “all types.” The individual is taking the time to try and rearrange the paper puke so that their own mail will fit while the person behind her is thinking, “What the heck! Just go to the next mail box.” Another 15 seconds goes by and the individual is STILL trying to cram their mail in the full box while the “all types” box is staring the ignoramus right in the face. Finally, they give up on moving other fellow imbeciles mail to make their own fit perfectly and just leaves it the way it was and takes off. The car behind finally got to put their own mail in the “all types” box due to the fact that the one she was going to put it in was full!!! Go figure!

Common Sense Tip of The Week:

Just because everyone else does it, doesn’t mean you should follow because most likely it’s done without common sense.

Until next time,
Zozo and Leggy J

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let me get this straight

This weeks story comes from a friend of mine. He was a foreign exchange student my senior year of high school.

When I first got to a high school a kid came up to me and said, "So, I heard you were from Sweden."
I replied, "Yes."
His next question was, "What language do you speak in Sweden?"
I naturally said, "Swedish."
He paused for a while then asked, "So, do you speak Swedish?"
I hesitated...
(Wait for it)
(Wait for it)
(Wait for it)


Let me get this straight, Swedish is spoken in Sweden. Does that mean they speak Spanish in Spain? And German in Germany? Come on people, pay attention in school. And if you don't, use your common sense! Not to mention the fact that he had to ask if a person from Sweden spoke the language. In addition, most people from Europe speak several languages.

Until Next Time,
Zozo and Leggy J

"There is such a thing as a dumb question when common sense isn't present"